Monday, 28 May 2012

Trash 2 Cash: the Grand Finale Scrapbook


Chris and Erin with Councillor Hume
This Sunday, we wrapped up the Trash 2 Cash challenge. After five weeks, about 700 submitted photos, and the same number of completed surveys, we have concluded the challenge and named a winner.

Congratulations to Chris O'Donnell and Erin van Schaayk of Vincent Street for their win of $1000 towards their property taxes, and a year's supply of CompostGenie!

The grand finale event was fun in the sun. We had a great turnout and some great goodies for the attendees! CompostGenie was on site, offering info and samples of their product for all who wanted some; Orgaworld provided two heaping complimentary piles of compost for all residents to use; and the Hume Team brought nifty water bottles along with some other swag for everyone to enjoy.

It was great for Councillor Hume and the whole Hume Team to shake hands and meet so many of the Trash 2 Cash challengers. After weeks of looking through their photos, many faces had become quite familiar. Even Templeton and Axeminster were present!

Councillor Hume shared a few words, thanking the residents for their participation and their enthusiasm towards the project. It was a great success, and the support from each resident who participated was wonderful. The next step will be gathering some of our challengers in November for some helpful advice for all our other residents who will be starting biweekly garbage pickup in the fall.

The comment we heard the most at the finale was, "This challenge was so much easier than I'd thought it would be." This sentiment, shared by so many, gives us great encouragement for how well all our residents will fare with the changes this autumn.

Once more, a great big thank you to the households and families who participated in the Trash 2 Cash challenge. Each one of you made it a success. Be proud of your commitment, your stamina, and your courage in looking a bit odd as you stood on your driveways and took photos of your garbage while your neighbours looked on in confusion. Way to go!

Thanks to CompostGenie for being such great supporters of the T2C challenge!

Our thanks again to Orgaworld for the great heaps of compost!

Councillor Hume chatting with residents by the Kilborn Allotment Gardens.

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