Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Safe Streets Campaign Rolls On!


During the election campaign, many residents raised concerns with me about traffic and the safety of our neighbourhood streets. I launched the Alta Vista Safe Streets Campaign in June 2011 to provide an immediate and direct response to traffic concerns brought to my attention. We purchased an electronic radar sign,
placed it at 18 different street locations so far, and it has just been placed on Tremblay Road. The neighbours in past areas where we have placed the sign have reported a reduction in the number of speeders, and overall the results are very positive.

We have now purchased a second radar sign, and it has been set up on Featherston Drive. I’m seeking your feedback on where you’d like to see these placed in the future. Let me know of any streets where drivers could use a reminder. Email me today and share your thoughts!

We are also adding a new feature to both our signs: they will now capture and record
all automobile speeds, providing us with a report. One is already set up to record, and the other soon will do the same. We will then be able to establish how many drivers are over the speed limit. This information will be helpful in establishing where our Safe Streets campaign is most needed.


This article originally shared in March 2012; updated version seen here.

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